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Home News Five new canons for Salisbury Cathedral

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Five new canons for Salisbury Cathedral

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Oct, 2018 04:17 PM

Education, armed services and law enforcement: five new canons will join the Cathedral’s College of Canons this month, by invitation of the Bishop of Salisbury.

The new canons come from across the diocese, and have worked on the frontline, overseas and close to home.

They will be the first new canons to be installed during the tenure of the new Dean of Salisbury, the Very Revd Nicholas Papadopulos, and will be admitted to the College of Canons in a special service at Salisbury Cathedral on Tuesday 9 October at 5.30pm.

Clockwise from top left:

  • The Reverend Jonathan Still is Rural Dean of Dorchester
  • Rosemary Stiven, the Diocesan President of Mothers’ Union, is from Salisbury
  • The Reverend Jenny Taylor is based in the Chalke Valley Benefice
  • Martyn Underhill, the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, lives in Wimborne and worships in Poole
  • The Venerable Clinton Langston, Deputy Chaplain General and Archdeacon of the Army, is based at Army HQ in Andover

Photos here.

The Ven Clinton Langston, Deputy Chaplain General and Archdeacon to the Army has lived in Germany, been deployed in Bosnia and done a two-year tour in Northern Ireland and spent two years in London as the Senior Chaplain of the Guards’ Chapel and Household Division.

He joins the College of Canons as a Non-Residentiary Canon, along with The Revd Jonathan Still, who has recently completed Officer Training at Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth. Alongside his duties as Rural Dean of Dorchester, Jonathan is a Chaplain in the Royal Naval Reserve.

The Revd Jenny Taylor was ordained in 2001, whilst working as a Lay Chaplain at Salisbury Cathedral School and Head of Religious Education. Now based in the Chalke Valley Benefice, Jenny oversees and trains the Chalke Valley Lay Pastoral Assistants.

Rosemary Stiven, who will be admitted as a Lay Canon, was an officer in the WRAC (Women’s Royal Army Corps), serving in Germany and Northern Ireland. She came to live in Salisbury 25 years ago and established a second career working as an administrator in state and independent schools. Rosemary is currently a trustee of Clayesmore School, St Nicholas Hospital and the Mother’s Union in Salisbury, where she serves as Diocesan President.

Former police officer Martyn Underhill, who becomes a Lay Canon, joined the Metropolitan Police in 1979, transferring to Sussex police in 1984 and rising through the ranks to Detective Chief Inspector. He was second in charge of the Sarah Payne murder investigation, an experience that led him to campaign on child safeguarding issues, including Sarah’s Law (the child sex offender disclosure scheme), when he retired.

Martyn was elected as the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner in 2012, and re-elected in 2016, and is also the Chair of the Independent Custody Visiting Association.

On admission each canon will be allocated a stall in the Cathedral Quire and, together with other members of the College of Canons, meet twice yearly to advise and provide feedback on Cathedral activities and policy decisions made by Chapter, the Cathedral’s governing body.
Announcing the new canons, the Very Revd Nicholas Papadopulos, Dean of Salisbury said:

“As I settle into my new role as Dean, it is reassuring to know that alongside an exceptional Chapter team we have such an active and engaged College of Canons. Their insights and experience at home and abroad are invaluable at a time when the challenges to be met both here in Salisbury and further afield are considerable.

"Our city and Cathedral have been caught up in events which have consequences for the whole world and with the advent of Brexit we can expect unprecedented social and economic change. Going forward I know these newly appointed members of the College will help us to chart our way through potentially turbulent times prayerfully, optimistically and pragmatically.”

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