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First Steps at 30

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2020 07:14 PM

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of a toddler service isn't easy during lockdown, but All Saints Westbury hasn't been deterred.

Sharon Jones from the Wiltshire church explains:

"On the 24th May, All Saints Church Westbury will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of First Steps to worship Toddler Service in the church.

"It was started by the Revd Dorothy Bellamy - curate at the time - to provide a place of friendship and support to parents, carers and children, and First Steps continues to provide this today.

"Our plans for a weekend of celebrating have been modified by the coronavirus but, undaunted, we are planning a special celebration service via Zoom."

Sharon, who has been part of the group from the very first meeting and never left once her children grew up, still runs the group and has been joined by Jean and Peter Jane (around 20 years ago) along with Hilary Price and others from the Mothers' Union who have helped with the refreshments over the years.

First Steps at 30- in 2012
The group in 2012

"The format is still exactly the same, Bible story followed by singing, a short prayer, then racing round and refreshments. Parents and carers appreciate this friendly and supportive group who continue to thrive and follow the same ethos that Dorothy Bellamy (its founder) began in 1990," Sharon says.

Normally held in the church every Wednesday morning in term time, during lockdown it continues in peoples homes.

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