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First Junior Eco-Summit

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Oct, 2019 11:53 AM

Bishop Nicholas was one of the special guests at a special junior Eco-Summit held at Stoborough Primary School.

Children from other local Primary Schools joined the pupils at Stoborough for the day, which included workshops from Tearfund, Christian Aid, the Diocesan Environment Group, Christchurch Baptist Church, the National Trust, the local parish, and Bishop Nicholas.

The Revd Mike Perry, Vicar of Woodford Valley with Archers Gate said, "We hope that this day can form the basis for other school Eco-Summits across the Diocese."

Deborah Corbin, Head Teacher at Stoborough said:

"It was such a pleasure and a huge thank you for all those who came such a long distance to support us in our Eco Summit.

"I thought the presentations and workshops were excellent and absolutely right for us as a school.

"I am already thinking of doing an annual Eco Summit for the Purbeck area next year (October)."

Billie Anderson from the Advocacy Team at Tearfund said:

"We absolutely loved working with you, your wonderful children and staff!"

As part of the day, the children heard Tearfund data that, each year, between 400,000 and a million people die in developing countries from diseases and illnesses caused by plastic pollution and uncollected rubbish dumped or burnt near homes.

The children then called on big companies around the world to "Stop selling items of single-use plastic into developing countries", writing letters to Coca Cola, Nestle, Unilever and PepsiCo telling them to make the changes.

Tearfund's report on plastic waste was backed by Sir David Attenborough who is a vice president at Fauna & Flora International - a conservation charity also involved in the research.

Clare Lyons, senior campaigner at Tearfund said:

"We are thrilled to have the support of the pupils of Stoborough Primary School and all the other primary schools represented here today.

"Plastic affects young people around the world, and will have a lasting impact on the state of the planet they inherit. These companies are fully aware of the impact their current waste practices are having and they need to change.

"People in poverty are unfairly suffering from severe health problems from cholera to cancer from the knock on effects of uncollected plastic and waste.”

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