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Home News First homeless centre opens in Poole

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First homeless centre opens in Poole

by Michael Ford last modified 30 Mar, 2022 02:53 PM

Poole’s first building solely dedicated to helping the town’s homeless and vulnerably housed opened its doors on 21 March

Genesis Centre on Hill Street is destined to become the hub for all support and help available locally from charities, churches and the local authorities – a one-stop place of change.

The building is wholly owned and operated by Routes to Roots, which this month also celebrates its 20th anniversary. The double celebration was marked by an open day on 20 March, attended by over 150 guests including Angus Campbell, Lord Lieutenant of Dorset, and George Streatfeild, the former High Sheriff of Dorset – both of whom had previously visited during the refurbishment.

At the opening the Right Reverend Karen Gorham, Bishop of Sherborne, patron of Routes to Roots, said: “For 20 years the aims of Routes To Roots has been based around the Christian values of hospitality, care and kindness and to see Christ in the face of everyone”

The Reverend Pat Southgate, chair of R2R Trustees, spoke of her pride in all that the charity’s volunteers and supporters have been able to achieve: “This is a long-held dream come true. Twenty years ago we were able to bring rough sleepers off the streets for a hot meal for just a few hours on a couple of days a week. Now in that very same building, the old Baptist Church, we will be able to offer not only a hot meal but real life-changing support.

“We are extremely grateful to architect Ken Morgan who enabled us to secure both Listed Building Consent and Planning Application Approval in July 2020 and who has now brought us to the point of being able to open our doors. We are also thankful for the confidence shown in our vision by Talbot Village Trust, who not only provided an interest-free loan to enable us to buy the building but who have also contributed substantially to the renovation costs.”

Routes to Roots purchased the building outright in February 2020 – just in time for the country’s first lockdown. Despite this, the charity carried on with its plans for the complete restoration and refurbishment of the Grade II listed building. This was a major undertaking, which would have been impossible without the tremendous support shown both locally and nationally. Under the pro bono guidance of architect Ken Morgan, nine additional local professionals gave their time and expertise pro bono. Over the two years since the purchase, R2R received nearly £212,000 in grants from 18 foundations and trusts. At the move-in the works have cost nearly £270,000. Other money came from local businesses, churches, schools and individuals.

There is still work to be carried out on a second hall and to the outside of the building and the charity says that fundraising is continuing to pay for this. However, this does not impact its ability to run drop-ins and welcome back outreach partners to provide addiction, mental and physical health support, chiropody, housing and benefit advice. Shower and laundry facilities are available and there are computers for clients’ use.

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