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Home News Finance Chairman writes to Parish Treasurers

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Finance Chairman writes to Parish Treasurers

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2020 05:10 PM

The Chairman of our Diocesan Board of Finance, Nigel Salisbury has written to all Parish Treasurers.

Commenting on the fact that "we are living through extraordinary and difficult times," Nigel says:

"I know that on top of the many practical difficulties of trying to maintain the rhythm of church, and indeed daily life, while our church buildings are closed, a growing number of our parishes have very real concerns about their financial sustainability and ongoing payment of Share.

"This is wholly understandable, and if you haven’t already been in touch, but expect over the coming months to be unable to make your anticipated contributions through Share to our common fund, or otherwise need help and advice of a financial nature then please let us know.

"The Diocesan Finance and Parish Support Teams led by Liz Ashmead and Elizabeth Harvey at Church House can point you in the direction of funds and other services that may be able to help, depending on the circumstances. It will also help us enormously to know in advance if Share payments are not going to be met so we can plan accordingly."

He added that as a Diocese we remain financially sound for the time being and are committed to the ongoing payment of stipends, pensions and other clergy support costs, although we have taken steps to minimise non-essential expenditure.

He noted that in a market where equity values are severely depressed it would be unwise to sell investments, "so we have also secured borrowing facilities which should enable us to meet our commitments through the remainder of 2020, against various scenarios of reducing income from Share, fees, rent, dividends and our property trading company."

"In the circumstances we have deferred any planning around the 2021 budget until the third quarter, and as you are probably aware, the AGM which would normally be the occasion when we sign off the budget for the coming year, has been deferred until September 10th."

You can read Nigel's letter in full here.

The links below provide access to a number of bulletins that have been published and circulated from Church House during the last few weeks, which provide greater detail in terms of resources available, whom to contact and the steps being taken to secure the future.

From the Finance Team

From the Diocesan Secretary

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