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Home News Filling Christmas stockings for those in need

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Filling Christmas stockings for those in need

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Dec, 2019 05:19 PM

Our churches in Weymouth and Portland have been donating generously to fill Christmas stockings for those in need in their area.

Filling Christmas stockings for those in need

Original photo courtesy Unsplash

This year, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) has been appealing for donations to fill stockings for families struggling with debt to make sure that they have something to open on the big day.

CAP met at St Mary’s Church Weymouth to hand out the stockings to around 60 people gathered there.

Sally Hunt, Centre Manager of CAP Weymouth and Portland, said:

“CAP has been in Weymouth and Portland for 5-and-a-half years now. This was the fifth celebration for and with our clients and volunteers from the local churches. Here in Weymouth and Portland that’s what it’s all about - people feeling that you belong to something, that you're not on your own.

“Many of our clients don’t receive gifts and have very little money to buy presents for their children. We had a couple come along who we met last week. It blew us away that they came. The first thing they said was that it was like a family get together.”

As well as handing out stockings, there is a chance to share a festive lunch.

The church was opened up by the Revd Jo Haine and the food was cooked by Neil Biles of St Mary’s Church.

One client, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “My life has never been the same since CAP came into it.”

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