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Feeling closer to God

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Jun, 2021 02:35 AM

After restrictions eased, the celebration of Pentecost Day 2021 had extra meaning at Winterbourne Earls Primary School, north east of Salisbury.

Philippa Carter, Headteacher, says:

"Inspired by ideas raised in the Collective Worship Leader’s diocesan training, we decided to hold our very first Pentecost Day in school where each child dressed in bright colours like the flames of the Spirit.

"Staff and pupils enjoyed a class walk exploring the wonderful creation on our doorstep and celebrated by making things to remind us that the Spirit is like the wind, fire, a dove and a still small quiet voice of calm."

Douglas (Year 6) says:

"On our Pentecost celebration day, we had Revd Peter in school and Mrs Carter, our Headteacher, led the worship and told the story of how the Church was born. There were lots of props in each year group to help us understand the story and the message of the gift of The Holy Spirit. We also celebrated Pentecost or Whitsun with the opening of our newly refurbished prayer garden to help us reflect about the world around us."

Feeling closer to God- Headteacher Mrs Carter and Revd Peter
Headteacher Mrs Carter and Revd Peter with pupils

Emily (Year 6) says:

"As Year 6s, we spent Pentecost morning creating posters about its meaning. We also began preparing seeds and journey sticks for our reception buddies to show the wonderful nature we found on our walk. After break time, we set out on our nature walk attaching things to our sticks and planting native wildflower seeds together in all the cracks of the pavements so that we can remember back to the wonderful walk whenever we walk past."

Beatrice (Year 2) says:

"When we made the doves and thought about what we were grateful for, it made me know that Jesus was by my side. When we went on our walk, I remembered that nature was all around and a gift from God."

Leo (Year 2)

"Pentecost and opening the prayer garden made me feel closer to God. Our Pentecost walk was exciting as we got closer together to the nature that God created. In Collective Worship when the strong breeze blew it was like the Holy Spirit was passing through our playground – it nearly blew the gazebo down!"

Philippa adds:

"It was a lovely day and much appreciated by parents, staff and children alike. When asking the staff for their reflections, their response was that they learnt a lot! I gave lots of craft ideas linked to wind, fire, doves etc and the Faith at Home resources were superb.

"We had kite making, origami doves, natural colour wheels, scavenger hunt and the journey sticks for Year R with an individual photo of their buddy on was so well thought out- we have missed the joint activities planned normally between Y6 and their buddies in YR! We now have a Pentecost display in the library.

"The best thing was the family feel it engendered, which has been missing this year and we are rebuilding gradually as we find creative ways to rekindle this."

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