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Families wanted!

by Michael Ford last modified 07 May, 2021 10:14 PM

Do you want top tips on looking at the Bible together as a family? Do you want a supportive community where you can share the joys and challenges of family life together? Do you want to have a voice in shaping our future resources? If yes, the Bible Society has something for you.

Never forget these commands that I am giving you today. Teach them to your children. Repeat them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working.
(Deuteronomy chapter 6, verses 6-7)

The Bible Society's Esther King says:

"Many of us have grand plans and beautiful intentions for how to live out our faith as family and these verses from Deuteronomy make it sound easy – just remember, ‘teach’ and ‘repeat’ – but it’s often a lot more tricky to do in practice.

"Whether we’re barely keeping our heads above water in the busy-ness or storms of life; struggling with a lack of confidence in our Bible knowledge and dreading those big ‘why’ questions; or juggling with differing levels of enthusiasm for the task, living out our faith and establishing family discipleship habits is hard.

"This has been very much on our hearts and in our prayers at Bible Society and we’ve been planning and developing some exciting new partnerships and resources to help families gather round the Bible, learn, grow, worship, pray and follow God together. Now we’re looking for families to be part of this journey and help us to create family resources that truly work.

  • Would you like top tips for exploring the Bible together as a family?
  • Would you value being part of a supportive community where you can share the joys and challenges of family life together?
  • Do you want to have a voice in shaping our future resources?

"If yes, and you’re part of a Christian family, you’re invited to join our Family Forum.

"We’re hoping to gather a diverse group of families so whatever your family set-up looks like, and however much or little knowledge of the Bible you have, you’re welcome.

"Are you interested or do you know a family that might be? Please get in touch and spread the word."

Info and signup here.

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