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Home News Faithfulness Shall Flourish: The Sudans Day 2019

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Faithfulness Shall Flourish: The Sudans Day 2019

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Oct, 2019 10:02 AM

The programme is now available for the Diocese's annual Sudans Day and includes a range of sessions on everything from a partnership update to what's involved in Lambeth 2020.

The Day entitled 'Faithfulness Shall Flourish' is being held at at Shaftesbury School on 5 October and will begin with the update on the diocese's partnerships with Sudan and South Sudan led by the Revd Canon Ian Woodward and Robert Hayward from Christian Aid.

There will be sessions on the Episcopal University in South Sudan and the SOMA Conference in Khartoum, as well as 2 sessions on Deanery links, one focusing on the Poole-Wau Link with Richard Tazewell and Jeffrey Neagle.

After a session on 'Keeping in Touch', Ian Woodward will give a brief on the 2020 Lambeth Conference 2020.

There will also be an education update and a chance to learn more about the work of CRESS*.

Mike Maclachlan will be on hand to update the Day on the Sudan Medical Link.

Those coming along are asked to bring their own picnic lunch, but tea and coffee will be provided.

The venue is accessible to wheelchair users.

In other news from the Sudans Committee:

Grants are being sent to Bishop Allison Theological College, to SOMA for a Youth Conference in Wau, to St Johns College, Wau and to Juba Diocese for teacher training.

A substantial grant is earmarked for the new Episcopal University in Juba and the Diocese is supporting the Justice Peace and Reconciliation committee with a grant through Christian Aid, supporting capacity building for the relatively new Episcopal Church of Sudan.

* Christian Relief and Education in Southern Sudan

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