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Faith and the Environment Festival

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Jan, 2020 03:54 PM

Bishop Nicholas is the keynote speaker at a one-day West Country festival of thought and action to join up faith and the environment.

The aim of the day at Exeter Cathedral is to inspire us all to make a difference on climate change and other crucial issues.

Among the questions being posed during the day is "How can Christians best respond to severe ClimateChange events like the bush fires in Australia?"

As well as Bishop Nicholas, who will be speaking as the Church of England's lead bishop for the Environment, Christian Aid, Tearfund and the University of Exeter will also send representatives.

They will lead workshops on science, theology, food, direct action, buildings & ecochurch, biodiversity, global perspective, and the Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book, as well as a creative corner.

Workshops and presentations also include those by Br Clark Berge SSF, Guardian of the Friary of St Francis and the Hilfield Community in Dorset.

Tickets cost £8 to cover costs. Under 16s are free.

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