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Home News End of an era for Sutton Veny

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End of an era for Sutton Veny

by Michael Ford last modified 31 Jul, 2020 04:45 PM

2020 is a mixed year for the Sutton Veny Women’s Institute. This year they commemorate their 100th anniversary, but sadly, this branch of the WI will also disband in December.

End of an era for Sutton Veny

The Anzac Altar Frontal

Like many organisations they have a declining membership and also very sadly in recent years have seen the passing of five of their most valued members, but they ending on a high and leaving behind a legacy that can be enjoyed for years to come.

The Revd Trudy Hobson, Team Rector of the Upper Wylye Valley Team explains:

"This special year has been marked with the presentation to St John the Evangelist church, famous for it’s its historic link to the Australia, New Zealand Army Corps, with a new altar frontal for the Anzac Chapel.

"The recent months of lockdown did not deter our WI as they spent many hours lovingly sewing and embroidering the flowers of the Anzac nations, Kowhai (New Zealand) Acacia (Austrailia) Blue Gum (Tasmania). This altar frontal marks both the 100th memorial to the brave ANZACs actions in Gallipoli and the Sutton Veny WI's centenary.

"Our plans for presenting and blessing the new alter frontal at our annual ANZAC Day service in April had to be cancelled due to Lockdown but we will celebrate Sutton Veny’s WI and recognise our lasting association with the ANZACs at a future date when we begin to return to a ‘new normal’.

"Over the 100 years WI have tirelessly raised funds to fund Community Projects including the installation of electric lights in the Chapel Schoolroom and the Church School, creating a footpath around the village green, in 1995 the production of The Sutton Veny Book, “An Appreciation of a Wiltshire Parish”, making heart shaped comfort cushions for the Salisbury Breast Cancer Unit and most recently the ANZAC Altar Frontal.

"The Sutton Veny WI will be greatly missed in our village and we thank them for all their support and hard work over the last 100 years."

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