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Home News Emergency Appeal for Children

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Emergency Appeal for Children

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Mar, 2021 02:05 AM

The Children's Society has issued an emergency charity appeal on behalf of at-risk or vulnerable children and young people.

The charity says that children in this country are facing the worst crisis they have ever experienced, with many of the most vulnerable trapped at home, isolated and at risk of abuse and neglect. For some, their lives are in danger.

Relationship Manager Gill Ford tells us:

"Hope is what is needed for many vulnerable young people as their situation is even worse. The pandemic is the worst crisis that today’s young people have ever faced.

"Right now, more children are in danger in their homes than ever before. As tensions behind closed doors increase, so too does domestic violence, mental health problems, alcohol and substance abuse. School closures combined with a drop in attendance to GP and hospital appointments mean that more and more vulnerable children aren’t visible to the networks that support them. It has left them isolated and lonely, scared for the next phase of their lives and for their futures too.

"This where you come in! Because together, we can provide hope for some of the hardest hit. Here at The Children’s Society we know that our support works – for 140 years now we’ve been helping young people to cope with hardship. And, during this pandemic, we’ve worked even harder to do just that. But we still really need your help.

"Your donations will provide:

  • The phone credit and technology young people need to be able to reach out to our project workers whenever and wherever.
  • Care packages to children and families who are struggling to keep going in lockdown.
  • The promise of in-person support to the many more children who will need us as we come out of this pandemic.

"If you are able, could you please make a donation or include us in your prayers?"

You can donate here.

A prayer for the Children’s Society 2021 Emergency Appeal:

Loving Lord Jesus,
you reached out to children and blessed them;
be with our children and young people today.
Hold in your hands young lives disrupted by the pandemic,
facing uncertain futures in a changed world.
Bring your hope and blessing
to all young people feeling under pressure,
especially those who are lacking
safety, security and the consolation of friends.
Strengthen the work of those who support
the most vulnerable of these,
including staff and volunteers of The Children’s Society.
Help all children and young people to find
strength, resilience and the hope of a better future,
and open our eyes to see where we
can make the difference for those to whom
the kingdom of God already belongs.
In your holy name we pray.

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