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Home News Earth Hour 2019

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Earth Hour 2019

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2019 06:00 PM

The lights went out all over the world last Saturday evening, and in our Diocese it was no different.

Many of our churches marked Earth Hour with candlelit services, among them was St Mary's Beaminster.

The Church held a candlelit service of prayer and meditation as part of the international day organised by the World Wildlife Fund, who encouraged millions of people all over the World to turn off their electricity for 60 minutes to respect ‘Earth Hour’.

Famous landmarks throughout the world, including the Houses of Parliament and the Arc de Triomphe, were plunged into darkness as the electricity was switched off and at St Mary's they plulled the plug too.

Electricity off, the Church held a candlelit service of prayer and meditation as part of the international day organised by the World Wildlife Fund.

The service, like the other events, was held to raise awareness of the serious damage being done to the earth’s environment and encourages people locally to do likewise.

Led by lay members of the St Mary’s Eco Church Group, periods of contemplation were interspersed with readings from the Psalms and Christian mystics on creation themes.

Dr Gill Perrott, Head of the St Mary’s Eco Group, said:

"What better way to spend Earth Hour than to celebrate the beautiful environment in which we live through a service that praises God’s creation and makes us think about how we can best look after it? The service was open to all in the town who care about environmental issues, giving them a quiet space to consider how best to care for the wonderful world God has given us.

"In Beaminster, the church and town environmental groups work closely together to serve the local community. The Earth Hour celebration followed a litter pick earlier in the day, thus demonstrating both spiritual and practical forms of stewardship."

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