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Doughnuts and the work of the Chaplain

by Michael Ford last modified 01 Oct, 2019 04:50 PM

Have you ever wondered what a Chaplain does?

Doughnuts and the work of the Chaplain

Lizzie Whitbread leads a session

Well, those who took part in a morning workshop on 'the Missionary work of the Chaplain' were able to find out just how varied this work is.

Our Ministry and Mission Team has created a programme of Continued Ministerial Development, much of which is open to lay as well as ordained ministers, and this session was one of the most recent.

Newly ordained priest, the Revd Heather Brearey, who is Assistant Curate at St Mary and St Melor, Amesbury went along:

"Durweston Village Hall in beautiful Dorset countryside was the location for CMD training on a wet day in September.

"There was a very welcome coffee (or selection of teas!) on arrival and not just biscuits but doughnuts as well!

"Father Jonathan the Chaplain at St Mary’s School Calne gave an introduction and asked us ‘What is Mission?' The whole group consensus was that amongst other things it was about evangelising and doing God's work; about 'Church without walls' as well as relationship and action.

"We then looked at 'What is Chaplaincy?' and we learnt that the word Chaplaincy comes from St Martin of Tours (Google it! He cut his cloak in half...).

"We also learnt that there are 2 aspects of Mission and 2 aspects of Chaplaincy, and they are the same - the welfare of the world and the proclamation of the Good News.

"Also that a Chaplain is not someone OUT of the church and into the world they are WITH the church and into the world.

"Chaplaincy is about earning the right to be alongside people in their context, being part of the team not just a visitor.

"The group also heard from Sue a prison Chaplain, a completely different context - the rules of the prison take precedent and trust is vital - and about volunteer Chaplains and the maximum impact they can bring with what little time they can give.

"The morning was enjoyable, informative and gave us all a great deal to think about."

More about our Chaplains

More about our CMD programme

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