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Home News Doubling Numbers at Evensong

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Doubling Numbers at Evensong

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Oct, 2019 01:52 PM

A 'Come and Sing' Evensong that has seen congregations double at a Dorset church is really capitalising on the growing popularity of this Book of Common Prayer service.

Doubling Numbers at Evensong

Original photo by Chris Phillips

St Mary's Swanage has maintained quite a strong musical tradition for a number of years. The present choir numbers 35 adults, with a few young choristers.

John Mann, the Team Rector of Swanage and Studland says:

"We have Choral Evensong every Sunday, but once a month we invite anyone who would like to come and join our choir and sing with them.

"This has been running for over a year now and on those Sundays we usually double our numbers in choir and congregation.

"Simon Lole, our Director of Music was interviewed last Sunday on BBC Radio Solent in this project, and the programme included a wider discussion on the popularity of choral evensong generally nowadays."

If you are interested in finding out more about Come and Sing Choral Evensongs, check out John's blog.<

Visit the St Mary's page

Listen to the radio discussion (requires login)

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