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Home News Double disaster threatens the survival of Marlborough Downs church

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Double disaster threatens the survival of Marlborough Downs church

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Feb, 2019 08:52 PM

Parishioners on the Marlborough Downs have taken to social media in a desperate attempt to save their 12th century Church from falling down after a double whammy of disasters hit the building.

Back in October 2018, lead from the North Transept roof was stolen from St Nicholas’ Church, Baydon causing untold damage not only to the exterior but to the interior, causing water damage to the woodwork and plaster on the walls.

But whilst still dealing with this crisis, over the Christmas period, cracks appeared in the North and East Chancel walls, threatening the imminent collapse as well as the loss of an ancient stained glass window and memorial plaques.

Peter Chambers, who is leading the appeal for help said:
“This set-back was a great worry for the future of the very existence of the church.

“The cracks had been monitored but have suddenly widened and at present we have had to put in place emergency scaffolding to brace the building and we now await structural engineer’s reports.

“Weekly worship has continued using the dry parts of the church, but with the interruption of dehumidifiers running throughout services.

“As a small community we are desperate for help both professionally and financially to help save our beautiful church.”

The Church’s PCC Treasurer, Pamela Withers, even took to Facebook to post this plea:
“I'd be hugely grateful if you could help us spread the word about our ongoing crisis but sharing our recent post on your page - I'm hoping there may be people out there in the Diocese who can help us before it's too late to save our little church.”

And as Peter Chambers explained it isn’t just the weekly services that are at threat:
“The church is also used by our Voluntary Aided Primary School. Although it is used weekly for services, its very existence is now threatened and we are unsure how long we will be able to use the building because we have to monitor the cracks on a weekly basis to ensure the building is safe to use.

“Our initial plans were to carry out essential works on the Vestry and monies had been raised to do this work. However now we have to put all our energies into the immediate crisis we face with the emergency we now face.”

If you can help in any way with advice, then please contact Peter Chambers via .

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