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Dorset Update

by Michael Ford last modified 02 Apr, 2020 07:11 PM

Archdeacon Penny is in daily contact with Dorset County Council. Here’s this week’s update.

The Dorset County Council Covid-19 web page layout has moved from 'list' to 'tiles', making it much more user friendly. It is being frequently updated with all the latest local information. This continues to be your first port of call if you need help or advice.

New on the website is financial advice on how to buy shopping for vulnerable people safely, including methods that don’t involve handing over cash, and what to do to stay safe if cash is the only option.

The Dorset Coronavirus Community Fund went live yesterday, here.

Aim of the Fund:

To effectively support local and voluntary and community organisations that are helping vulnerable people impacted by the Covid-19 crisis: easing the immediate difficulties communities are facing and to support their recovery over the coming weeks and months.

What could be funded:

The fund can support any and all service delivery costs including volunteer expenses, perishable and non-perishable goods, and capital equipment such as remote working equipment and protective equipment. Contributions to core organisational costs may also be considered. Retrospective payments MAY be made to cover costs incurred in urgent response to the crisis.

To target resources, people are asked to use their family and community support networks where possible, but substantial resources are being put into the telephone helpline for those who need it. Ring 01305 221022 between 8am and 8pm, or email .

Volunteers are very welcome to help vulnerable people receive medication and food. Please sign up yourself or your group on the Volunteer Centre Dorset website who are coordinating volunteers throughout the county. We know of several local community support groups and foodbanks being set up, particularly in the villages. Some link in through the local Parish Council, but if you think your particular group isn’t registered, please do so.

Volunteer Centre Dorset have put in place protocols to keep both volunteers and vulnerable people safe when interacting. These include DBS checks, safe distancing protocols, and advice on hygiene.

Age UK will continue to provide support through their Good Neighbours scheme. This includes small maintenance jobs, eg changing light bulbs, and access to trades people for larger jobs. Search Age UK Dorset for a local group. This isn’t restricted to those over a certain age: they can help anyone who is vulnerable. To request help, email or call 01305 269444.

Those who are super-shielding should have received a phone call to ascertain their needs. If you know of someone who is in this group who has not received the help they need, please use the council helpline above.

The Council is very anxious that vulnerable groups are protected. There are already strong links with the Gypsy and Traveller Community, as well with those working with people with addictions. If you are aware of any other vulnerable groups who need special help, please email with details.

Weymouth Crematorium remained open on Wednesday pm, but there are severe restrictions on the numbers able to attend a funeral. The situation remains very fluid, so check their web page for updates.

Help and Kindness are anxious to have links to church websites, particularly those offering a worship experience. You can add your church from the front page of their website.

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