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Home News Dorchester Squadron's new Padre

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Dorchester Squadron's new Padre

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Feb, 2020 02:26 PM

After not having a Padre for some time, a Dorset Rector has taken up the post, much to the delight of Dorset Air Training Cadets in 2182 Dorchester Squadron.

Dorchester Squadron's new Padre

Squadron Leader Ian Bishop, Cadet Willian Bishop, Cadet Michael Peck, Padre Charles Lewis, Flight Officer Tony Skinner, Padre Dominic Doble, Cadet Ben Crabtree. Original photo by Liz Doble

The Revd Dominic Doble, Rector of Watercombe Benefice was presented with his Certificate of Appointment by Padre Charles Lewis, Wing Chaplain of Dorset and Wiltshire.

It was fitting that the installation of their new Padre took place on Air Training Corps Sunday and that the hymn 'God is our Strength and Refuge' was played to the tune of the 'Dambusters March'.

Representatives from 2182 Dorchester Squadron joined parishioners from Holy Trinity Warmwell for the ceremony, where Dominic was also presented with an official Badge of Office by Flight Officer Tony Skinner, who said:

"We had not had a Padre for some time before Dominic came forward. We are very grateful to him and his parishes for giving the time for Padre's hour on Parade nights on Squadron."

The RAF Air Cadets has more than 40,000 members aged between 12 and 20 years across the UK. Sponsored by the Royal Air Force, it is made up of both the Air Training Corps (six regions, 34 wings and 900-plus squadrons) and the Combined Cadet Force (RAF) in approximately 200. They promote and encourage a practical interest in aviation and the Royal Air Force.

Padres help with their other aims of providing training useful in the Services and civilian life and encouraging adventure, leadership and citizenship.

"It is always good to have the church full!" said Sam Ross Skinner, Churchwarden.

Holy Trinity Warmwell is open during daylight hours for visiting and quiet reflection. Morning and Evening Prayer are said every Tuesday and posted on YouTube. Holy Communion is usually celebrated at 10am on the third Sunday of the month. The church is also a popular wedding venue.

Located close to Crossways, which developed from the Battle of Britain air base RAF Warmwell, Holy Trinity has an significant War Grave cemetary.

Annually, near the 15th of September the Squadron parade in an Act of Remembrance.

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