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Don't miss this opportunity!

by Michael Ford last modified 22 Jan, 2020 03:55 PM

Our Diocesan Environment Group has warmly welcomed the LiveLent initiatives taken by the Bishop and Archbishop this year to focus churches’ Lent activities on the crucial topic of caring for God’s creation.

David Morgan, Chair of the Diocesan Environment Group said:

"Don’t miss this great opportunity to focus on the amazing world God has created and to embrace some of the practical challenges of the biblical exhortation to look after it."

The decsion not to produce our own Diocesan Lent booklet this year, but instead to promote those produced nationally for our daily use throughout Lent, was welcomed by the Bishop's Council and Diocesan Synod.

Unlike the 'Praying Together' booklets which were compiled by volunteers and the printing funded by the Bishops, 'Saying Yes to Life' by Ruth Valerio and the LiveLent booklets for both adults and children, have been produced nationally and so need to be purchased by parishes. However -

David said, thanks to Bishop Nicholas, every parish will have one copy for free:

"Bishop Nicholas has purchased and arranged for all clergy to receive a copy of the book and the booklets, but now is the time to buy the booklets in bulk for our churches to use during Lent.

"The children’s booklet is an excellent resource for our schools’ and children’s work.

"In addition to the booklets, Archbishop Justin’s Lent book is 'Saying Yes to Life' by Ruth Valerio - an in-depth look into the creation story, linked to what we can do to care for creation.

"Each week has a focus (eg Week 1 ‘Let there be light’) and material for group study or a sermon series. The book is supported by a range of online material (eg Ruth interviewing Cristiana Figueres – Paris Climate Summit Chief) which will be available from the end of January."

More here

You can buy the booklets in bulk from and the book (and individual booklets) from Sarum College Bookshop.

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