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Domestic Abuse

by Michael Ford last modified 31 Jul, 2020 04:43 PM

Nationally it has been recognised that the extended period of lockdown due to Covid-19 has led to a significant increase in incidents of domestic abuse.

We know from conversations with the Police and other Partner agencies that this position is reflected here locally within our Diocesan area. As well as the serious impact episodes of this kind have for the victim themselves, often overlooked in these tragic events is the indirect trauma they can have on a child live living in a household where domestic abuse is taking place.

This short video produced by the charity the Children’s Society seeks to highlight this very issue. Click here to watch it.

If you have any concern of an emergency nature relating to a domestic abuse situation in progress, you should contact the Police via 999.

More general advice about what to do with regards an adult you suspect to be victim of domestic abuse or a child who might be caught up in such a situation can be obtained from the Diocesan Safeguarding team here.

More information from the Children's Society here.

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