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Home News Diocesan Rep wanted for Salisbury Women's Refuge Board

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Diocesan Rep wanted for Salisbury Women's Refuge Board

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Apr, 2019 10:15 AM

The Diocese is looking for someone to represent them on the board of the Salisbury Women’s Refuge (SWR).

Diocesan Rep wanted for Salisbury Women's Refuge Board

Refuge Manager Sue Cox speaks at Salisbury Cathedral

The Refuge has been open for around 30 years, and provides secure accommodation and support for up to 11 women and their children at a time, who have been the victims of domestic abuse.

The service provides a tailored support package, advice and signposting for agencies, counselling and awareness and empowerment and self-esteem learning that support the women and their children to lead independent lives.

Since 2005, the SWR has been incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee. The Articles of Association require that one member of the Board should be appointed by the Diocesan Board of Finance to have special interest in the use of the building, which is the property of the Diocese.

The property is loaned on a zero-rent basis to the Board of Trustees, for use as a women’s refuge. It is the responsibility of the Diocesan member to oversee the use and upkeep of the building for its stated purpose.

The Board meets five times a year, one of which leads directly into the AGM. Board meetings are normally no more than 2 hours and members are reimbursed legitimate expenses, including mileage.

Our previous Diocesan Board member writes:

"In the period of my membership of the Board, I have never had to intervene on behalf of the Diocese, so my stated aim has effectively been a sinecure.

"I live in Pewsey and the distance to Salisbury has prevented me taking an active role in running the Refuge to the extent that some other Trustees have done, so it would be an advantage if the new member lived in or near Salisbury.

"The key figure in the organisation is the Manager. The present incumbent is excellent. She is relatively new in post. We now also have a new Chair on the Board of Trustees, who seems excellent, so I feel the Refuge is at a new start.

"I thoroughly recommend the post on the Board for anyone interested in an organisation whose sole aim is to provide help, support and a refuge for women who need protection."

Please contact the Revd Penny Joyce via 01722 416054 or .

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