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Home News Ding Dong Merrily on High

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Ding Dong Merrily on High

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Feb, 2019 01:09 PM

Church bells in Milton Lilbourne that had been silent since before Christmas are ringing out again.

St Peter’s Church had been without their bells while they were retuned and refurbished at Taylor’s Bell Foundry in Loughborough.

After being rehung, the bells were blessed at a rededication service by the Archdeacon of Wiltshire, the Venerable Sue Groom, who symbolically handed over a bell rope to the tower captain Chris Wardell, ready for the ringing to begin again.

The celebratory peal was heard by a packed church, with representatives from some of those who gave grants towards the restoration. They included the Pewsey Area Board; the Ironmongers’ Company; the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust; Llewellyn Edwards Bell Restoration Fund; and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

At the end of the service the ringers rang the bells again to accompany the congregation as they left the church.

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