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Home News Designer Altar for Wiltshire church

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Designer Altar for Wiltshire church

by Michael Ford last modified 17 May, 2019 03:26 PM

A bespoke altar designed for 21st century church use has been dedicated at a Wiltshire Church in time for Easter.

Designer Altar for Wiltshire church

Bishop Andrew anoints the altar as Nigel King (Sacristan) and the Revd Juliette Hulme look on. Photo by Stuart Robinson

The historic church of St John's serves several purposes in the community of Tisbury. As well as its regular services, it also plays host to workshops, exhibitions and concerts.

The new wooden altar at St John's has been hand crafted by local designer Matthew Burt of Hindon, whose work can be found in major museums, and is designed to be mobile.

It replaces a Reformation Chilmark stone altar that was found in the Crypt, but had restricted the amount of usable space in the Church.

Dedicated by Bishop Andrew on Passion Sunday, who anointed the altar with five crosses representing the wounds of Christ, the new open work altar is a gift in memory of Jean Naish (1925-2010).

Jean was a long-standing member of St John's and served as Churchwarden between 1997 and 2002. The altar was given to St John's by Jean's children.

The stone altar remains in the church, but now resides in the Lady Chapel at the Church.

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