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Home News Death of Canon Stephen Batty

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Death of Canon Stephen Batty

by glynch last modified 30 May, 2018 04:34 PM

Bishop Nicholas writes on the death of the Rector of the Bride Valley

Today, Bishop Nicholas wrote to licensed clergy in the Diocese about the late Revd Canon Stephen Batty, Rector of the Bride Valley Benefice, which is centred on Burton Bradstock.

His letter follows:

I have to inform you that the Revd Canon Stephen Batty, Rector of the Bride Valley, died on Sunday morning, Trinity Sunday. Stephen served the whole of nearly 30 years ordained ministry in the Diocese of Salisbury. Soon after moving from Branksome to Burton Bradstock he was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. He continued to exercise an astonishing ministry. In Lent he determined to come for the last time to the Chrism Eucharist on Maundy Thursday with its renewal of ordination vows.  

The manner of Stephen’s dying was at one with his life as a priest and artist. He was one of the most striking and impressive priests it has been my privilege to know. In many ways, particularly in these last months, Stephen’s ministry was enabled with a great deal of help from others, particularly his wife, Frances Hatch. Our loving thoughts and prayers are with her and their daughter Evie.  

The funeral will be at Sherborne Abbey on Friday 8th June at 2.00pm followed by a private family interment at The Higher Ground Meadow.

+ Nicholas Sarum

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