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Home News Deanery Link Day 2019

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Deanery Link Day 2019

by Michael Ford last modified 14 May, 2019 03:49 PM

This Saturday (18 May) the Sudan Medical and Education Links are holding their annual Sudans Deanery Links Day.

The day takes place at Shaftesbury School and will have reports on Diocesan-level work in the Medical and Education links, an update on the situation in the Sudans, and on the advocacy work of the Group.

Delegates will hear that, in Sudan, the relatively peaceful removal of President Omar al-Bashir after 30 years as dictator of Sudan has still left the issue of who will govern in his stead as, having been governed for so long by military dictatorial decree, there is little experience of governance among the civilian population.

The future is uncertain and unpredictable and the role of the Church is important.

In South Sudan, the Salisbury Partnership continues to support Archbishop Justin Badi, Primate of the Episcopal Church of Sudan and South Sudan, in his reconciling and healing ministry through the Justice and Peace initiatives.

And the hosting by Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury of President Salva Kiir and Vice President elect Riek Machar was seen as a major symbol of reconciliation of the leaders of the principal combatants in six years of ethnic and tribal conflict in South Sudan.

Salva Kiir’s Dinka people and Riek Machar’s Nuer tribe have agreed to form a transitional government which may lead to a more abiding peace and greater prosperity for the impoverished people of South Sudan.

Those attending will also hear from different Deaneries about their links with specific dioceses, and how they operate.

There will be time for discussion over tea and coffee and an opportunity for sharing further over a packed lunch, if you choose to stay.

Booking: email or phone 01963 23726.

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