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Deaf Awareness

by Michael Ford last modified 25 Sep, 2019 11:00 AM

Have you ever considered what it would be like for a deaf person to enter your church for the first time?

How would they access your teaching and make connections with your congregation?

The Revd Neil Robinson and his wife Helen, who are themselves profoundly deaf, recently led a Deaf Awareness Course at SP2 Community Centre in Salisbury.

This 'open to everyone' evening session equipped participants to understand some of the experiences of the deaf community. Neil and Helen also told their own stories of finding faith and a place in church.

The evening itself covered a number of key points including facts on deafness, communication tactics and deaf chaplaincy. There was also the opportunity for participants to experience lip reading and learn the very first steps in using sign language.

At the end of the evening one participant said:

"It is so important for churches to consider how inclusive they are and to reach out to people and communities where there are clear barriers to engaging with a church family.

"Neil and Helen illustrated the impact that reaching out to the deaf community can have and the great skills and life experiences that deaf people have to share with the local and wider church. I would recommend all churches exploring this ministry further."

If you are interested in attending the Deaf Awareness course, please contact Rev. Neil Robinson via email ().

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