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Cursillo Appeal

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Mar, 2019 01:47 PM

The new South West Rep for the Cursillo Movement has issued an open invitation for churches in our Diocese to contact her about how they might hold Cursillo weekends or reunions here in Wiltshire and Dorset.

Angela Smith, the South West Area Representative for the Movement said:
"The South West includes the dioceses of Oxford, Bristol, Bath and Wells, Gloucester, Salisbury, Exeter and Truro. At the current time only Exeter, Oxford and Bristol have active groups.

"I am sending out communications to the dioceses within the South West that are not active within the Cursillo Movement. The purpose of this is to reach out to any Cursillistas, or those interested in Cursillo, within these dioceses with the aim of connecting them with others who may wish to attend group reunions on a regular basis."

Cursillo is a Anglican movement that came from Spain, after the civil war there in the 1930s, when a pilgrimage to the shrine of St James in Compostela was arranged in order to encourage the Christian faith in young people and help change their damaged society to one that was fully centred on Christ.

Leaders of the pilgrimage were prepared through short courses, called Cursillos. As the idea spread out across the globe, Cursillo Weekends led by a team of lay people and clergy, who have all experienced a Cursillo themselves, were created.

During the weekend the participants (Cursillistas) will live, worship and learn together. Talks will be given by the leaders on some of the main areas of Christian life and faith, such as grace, faith and action. These areas will also be discussed in group workshops, and reinforced with prayer and quiet reflection.

Following the weekend, Group Reunions are held to maintain encouragement and support to the Cursillistas. National and Diocese-wide Ultreyas are held annually, and give an opportunity for people to meet and share their experiences of a Cursillo weekend.

Cursillistas are also encouraged to find a ‘Spiritual Director’, a person who has experience and maturity in following a life with Christ, to help guide and pray for the Cursillista during their spiritual journey.

Angela added:
"So if you are a Cursillista who wishes to connect with a group reunion or an Anglican who wishes to find out more about Cursillo within the South West, please do contact me on ."

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