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Home News Creationtide 2021: A Home For All

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Creationtide 2021: A Home For All

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Sep, 2021 12:02 AM

As we head towards the UN's COP26 global climate change talks in November, as churches we entered the season of Creationtide this week.

Creationtide, or the Season of Creation, is the period in the annual church calendar from 1st September to 4th October, dedicated to God as Creator and Sustainer of all life.

The theme for the Season of Creation in this year is "A Home for All", renewing the 'oikos' of God.

Oikos means 'home' or 'family' and is the root of our words starting with 'eco' like 'ecology' and 'economics'. The last year has been a wake up call to the need to restore our relationships with God, Creation and each other.

Social Justice Programme Manager Colin Brady says:

"We hope that this Season of Creation renews our baptismal call to care and sustain an ecological turning so that life may flourish, and all creatures may find their place to flourish among our common home."

Baptised Christians have a strong, ancient calling to till and keep God’s garden, to help renew the whole inhabited Earth so that life may flourish, and so that all may have a just and sustainable home.

You can find out more about the Season of Creation here.

Churches have been holding Climate Sunday services all year, but in the final few months leading up to COP26, churches are encouraged to hold a special Climate Sunday service or event, to make a commitment to tackle climate change, and to raise their voices to call on world leaders to do the same.

The Season of Creation is a great time to encourage children and young people to take part in the Letters for Creation project. This is a way for them to reflect on what caring for Creation means to them, and how they want their voice to be heard in the climate justice conversation.

You can find out more about how to take action on environmental issues on the Church of England Environment Programme page.

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