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Creation Care - What do our church events say about us?

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Feb, 2022 04:29 PM

As we look to highlight climate change, and all we can do to better care for creation, what message are our church events giving to our congregations and communities?

When we offer food, do we offer a vegetarian or vegan alternative? This is not only to provide for those that already eat a meat-free diet, but also to share ideas and recipes for tasty vegetarian meals. Some argue that meat-free meals are tasteless and boring, yet I’ve enjoyed many delicious veggie meals at my local church events and asked for the recipes, resulting in all my Chilli con Carne and Spaghetti Bolognese meals at home now being flavoursome veggie alternatives. After all, people are more likely to switch their food choices if they’ve tasted it, and can see how easy it is to make at home. 

But is it all about cutting out meat? I don’t think so.

I believe that we do need to consume less meat, but it also needs to be better quality. When our church provides any kind of food, including meat, do we think about sustainability, how far it has travelled, and how it was grown or produced? A simple way for churches to highlight climate change in our events is to keep in mind ‘LOAF’ in every aspect of the event. We really must hold Local, Organic, Animal-friendly and Fairtrade at the forefront of our minds in every aspect of our church lives. 

And what about the receptacles we serve our food and drink in? It would rather undermine the wonderful local and organic produce if we were to have single-use plates and cups. Using crockery and washing it up is always preferable to single-use plastic or non-recyclable paper. If we really have no alternative to using disposable cups, there are many compostable cups easily available that can be collected and added to our compost heaps. 

When we change even the smallest thing at a church event to help care for creation – and maybe provide attendees with some brief explanation – we find that conversations start and others feel inspired and encouraged to make changes in their own lives. 

So, I invite you to take a moment and look around and see what your church events say about caring for God’s creation. Where can we improve? What small changes can we make that can help change hearts and minds? And of course, if your church does make any changes, : share your good news on the Grapevine to help inspire other churches in our diocese. 

Thanks to The Revd Trudy Hobson, Team Rector, Upper Wylye Valley Team, for writing the second in a series from the Diocesan Environment Group about what to do to care for God’s wonderful creation. 

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