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Counting on Eco Church

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Dec, 2020 09:41 PM

As we aim for the Gold standard as an Eco Diocese and as Eco Churches, our parishes continue to forge ahead - and data plays a key role in choosing what to tackle first.

Counting on Eco Church

Original photo courtesy Pxfuel

After our article on Electric Vehicles (read it here), our Dorset contact Roy Harrison got in touch to say:

"St Michael's in Verwood is in the process of trying to do something similar, so it occurs to me that what we are doing might be of interest to you. I have a written a series of letters which try to encourage the reader to take action.

"The first tries to help the reader to establish what their CO2 emissions are,

"The second tries to help the reader understand what they could do about them,

"The third covers recycling,

"And the fourth looks at offsetting and the bigger picture.

"An as-yet-unwritten fifth guide would try to give the reader a basic understanding of climate science and its effects, for example sea level rise."

You can access a folder containing the letters here.

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