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Home News Counting down to 'Come and See'

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Counting down to 'Come and See'

by Michael Ford last modified 12 Feb, 2020 09:57 AM

Back again by popular demand, Pewsey Deanery is inviting their wider community to 'Come and See'.

From asking the vicar anything down the local pub, to a morning of painting and prayer using Psalm 23 as inspiration, to a discussion on the Climate Crisis, 'Come and See' is an invitation to explore Christian faith through a series of events throughout Pewsey Deanery during February and March.

The aim is to allow people to experience new insights and encounter God at work today.

Revd Canon Gerald Osborne, Rural Dean of Pewsey said:

"You may be a complete sceptic or may have a deep faith, perhaps it’s something you once explored but haven’t for a while... wherever you are on that journey, our invitation is the same as Jesus: “Come and See”."

The Events launch with 'Ask the Vicar', when Gerald and fellow local vicar Revd Dr Colin Heber-Percy will be on hand at the Swan pub in Wilton to answer "all those questions you were wanting to ask."

The pair, who will be in the pub from 7pm on Monday 2nd March, say that "anything goes (within reason...) so come and join the discussion."

Then on Saturday 7th March, the Revd Stephen Skinner will be leading a morning of prayerful painting/ drawing/ etching, taking inspiration from Psalm 23 at St John's Pewsey. He will read through the famous Psalm slowly a few times and allow those present to make an artwork inspired by their listening to the text.

Later in the month questions like 'Where are we in the Climate emergency?', 'What can we do?', 'Is there any hope?', 'Does the Bible give us a distinctive voice in the debate?' will be addressed by Andy Atkins, CEO of A Rocha UK, a worldwide Christian environment charity, at the Bouverie Hall in Pewsey.

And, having toured the UK with over 30 performances, including the Edinburgh Festival, Gerald Osborne and Colin Heber-Percy return with their much-acclaimed performance from memory of the gospel of St Mark - St Mark Live!, which they will perform at the Memorial Hall, Marlborough College.

Other offerings include a series of films followed by discussion, a creative writing workshop, and a men's curry lunch.

For more information, go to

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