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Home News Could You Sing a Selfie for the Cathedral?

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Could You Sing a Selfie for the Cathedral?

by glynch last modified 31 Oct, 2016 02:07 PM

Take up the #SingingSelfie challenge, help encourage new Cathedral choristers… and win a Tower Tour

Salisbury Cathedral staff are in good voice this autumn and have issued a #SingingSelfie challenge to one and all. The challenge is part of an online campaign to raise awareness of the annual Be a Chorister for a Day event, which is taking place in the Cathedral and Cathedral School on Saturday 12 November.

To take up the selfie challenge all you have to do is post a video of yourself or your friends singing a verse of your favourite song on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, adding the hashtag #SingingSelfie and tagging the Cathedral:

Instagram: @salisburycathedral
Twitter: @salisburycath
Facebook: /salisburycathedral

Check out the Cathedral’s answer to ABBA on their YouTube or Instagram accounts and you’ll get the idea. They’ll be keeping an eye out for your entries and when it’s all done and dusted, they’ll award the Tower Tour to our favourite selfie.

What’s it all in aid of?

Be a Chorister for Day is specially devised event that allows children to find out early on, in a friendly and informal way, what it is like to be in the choir and gives them a chance to rehearse and sing alongside the Cathedral’s choristers.

Parents also get to spend time in the Cathedral and Cathedral School. They have their own parallel schedule, which allows them to explore what it means to have a chorister in the family.

There are lots of reasons why parents and children should consider a choristership. First of all it is a lot of fun and builds the children’s confidence. Being part of a choir teaches them to be organised and they learn really important social skills like team-working. Newsreader Jon Snow was a chorister and so was Alistair Cook, the England Cricket Captain. Barack Obama sang in his church choir, as did the lovely Anne Hathaway, star of Les Miserables. There’s even a present day chorister singing the part of Little Cossette on stage at the moment.

The other attraction is that our choristers  get to sing in some really cool places. This year Beatrice was chosen to sing in St. Paul’s Cathedral, the girls choir did a concert on the Queen Elizabeth last Christmas, and both choirs toured in Germany in March.

Last but not least, if you are a chorister you are an important part of Cathedral life with an amazing living heritage that stretches back over a thousand years.

We hope the #SingingSelfie will encourage anyone who might enjoy being a chorister for a day to come along. The experience is open to boys in Year 2 and boys and girls in Years 3 and 4. Applications forms can be downloaded from the website or you can contact Kathy Davies on or 07979 378926.

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