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Home News Continuing to Pray for the Nation

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Continuing to Pray for the Nation

by Michael Ford last modified 20 Nov, 2020 10:41 PM

Our Bishops have joined with the Archbishops of Canterbury and York and other senior church leaders, who are inviting Christians to pray for our nation over the next month of lockdown, and parishes and schools are joining in too.

Two weeks on from our recent story, new resources are being added all the time, as our Diocesan emphasis on prayer joins with this national initiative. 

There is a whole range of resources available on this page, with new videos from children and young people, schools resources for primary and secondary school aged children, and prayers for all. 

Social media assets and electronic signatures, including the daily prayer theme graphics in different colours, are being added here.

The national team is adding new videos almost daily to the YouTube channel, including short videos from several leaders praying for specific themes, plus other video content related to the campaign, so please keep looking and use as appropriate.

Continuing to Pray for the Nation- Archbishop Live on Facebook

On Monday 16th November, Archbishop Justin Welby took part in a Facebook Live broadcast on his page, praying for the Nation at 6.00pm. Log into Facebook to view it here.

Kemi Bamgbose, Senior Communications Officer for Thy Kingdom Come says:

“Thank you for participating – we have been so encouraged by the various ways dioceses are taking part – customising and creating content from scratch.

“Please keep sharing and using the hashtag #PrayerForTheNation so that we can retweet and reshare!”

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