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Contactless Giving

by Michael Ford last modified 09 Jul, 2019 04:55 PM

Contactless collection plates have been used in York Minster for the first time, as the Church of England General Synod met for a Sunday service delivered by both the Archbishop of Canterbury and Archbishop of York.

At the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of St Peter in York, better known as York Minster, four bronze digital plates were offered to the congregation before, during and after the morning worship, attended by hundreds.

It offered the worshippers the opportunity to give to the Church in denominations of £5 and £10 by simply swiping a contactless card on the receiver, alongside their typical offerings of cash.

The official launch of the plates, designed in bronze metal to resemble traditional offertory, follows a wider roll out of contactless payments across English churches, which has led to 97 per cent more donations. Similar technology has also increased charitable revenue at institutions like the Natural History Museum in London.

Contactless giving is being trialed in a number of churches in this Diocese. This weekend, Sherborne Abbey had theirs set to £10 as people visited the ‘Dorset Moon’ exhibition. For more information on how your church might join the scheme, contact our stewardship team.

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