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Home News Consecration of the Very Revd Stephen Lake, 25 April 11am at Southwark Cathedral

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Consecration of the Very Revd Stephen Lake, 25 April 11am at Southwark Cathedral

by Michael Ford last modified 30 Mar, 2022 02:52 PM

Following Dean Stephen’s Confirmation of Election which takes place in London Friday 1 April, the next stage of his arrival into the diocese is his Consecration.

Dean Stephen will be consecrated Bishop at Southwark Cathedral on 25 April at 11am. General tickets to this service are limited and available only through the Southwark Cathedral website. If you would like to attend please follow this link.

Southwark Cathedral hope to release further tickets nearer to the time, so if there are no tickets available when you first try to register, do sign-up to the waiting list and Southwark will contact you should any space be made available. Please note that due to numbers, no one will be admitted to the service without a valid ticket.

Please join me in praying for Stephen as he prepares to be ordained Bishop, for Carol and his family, as they prepare to leave Gloucester just before Easter and move to Salisbury. There will be an opportunity for all of us in the diocese to welcome Stephen early in the summer as he is enthroned at the Cathedral. More details about this will be given in due course.

Bishop Karen

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