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Confirmations, Catering, and Cakes

by Michael Ford last modified 10 Dec, 2019 05:19 PM

Have you heard of a confirmation and baptism service with 30 candidates and 30 cakes?

Confirmations, Catering, and Cakes

Bishop Karen conducts the joyous service

The Revd Jonathan Beach, School Chaplain at St Mary's Calne, explains:

"After a very wet November, it was a relief that the last Saturday of the month dawned clear, cold and dry. It was the perfect weather for the Confirmation Service and ensured that all those being confirmed got to church looking their best.

Confirmations, Catering, and Cakes- the whole group with Bishop Karen

"This year, 29 girls and one member of staff were confirmed. The service was an historic occasion for St Mary's as, for the very first time, we had a female Bishop presiding. The Right Reverend Karen Gorham, the Bishop of Sherborne, led a service full of warmth and joy. She also had the privilege of baptising two of the girls.

"After the service, families and friends returned to school for the reception, where each girl received her own named cake - as ever, beautifully crafted by the Catering Department. It was a great day and an important milestone in the journey of faith for all involved."

Confirmations, Catering, and Cakes- original photo by Bishop Karen

(original photo by Bishop Karen)

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