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Home News Community Kitchen heads for a 3rd anniversary

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Community Kitchen heads for a 3rd anniversary

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Feb, 2020 04:24 PM

Blandford is opening its Community Kitchen again for this half term.

The popular project, which will celebrate its third anniversary in April, is run by the Parish Church and offers a free cooked lunch with other families and members of the community.

As well as a hot meal, the Kitchen also provides a craft table.

The Rector of Blandford Forum, Canon Jonathan Triffitt speaking about the kitchen on its second anniversary said:

"It’s fantastic the way in which the Community Kitchen has caught people’s imagination. We are really thankful for all who have supported this initiative whether they are volunteers, guests, local business and of course the Parish Church, whose commitment to this work enables us to offer all meals free of charge to everyone who comes.

"It is truly intergenerational and crosses all social barriers and is supported by a strong network of volunteers from Blandford Parish Church, All Saints Langton Long and 6th Form Students from The Blandford School.

"When we first thought about running the Community Kitchen, we were struck by the number of stories we were hearing locally and nationally about families going hungry during the school holidays. This was heart-breaking and so the Community Kitchen became a vehicle through which we could address the holiday hunger gap within our community.

"Since then it has grown to be much more than simply feeding families during the school holidays. It has become a source of family, community and friendship a place where people feel a sense of belonging and welcome without judgement, explanation or fear. Our values as a church are expectant faith, joy-filled hope and generous love, and it is our hope and prayer that through the Community Kitchen we can demonstrate these values to those whom we welcome and serve."

The Community Kitchen also offers Tea, Games & Chat - a free afternoon that provides an opportunity for families and all ages to come together, play games and enjoy a light tea - and runs a Children's Clothes Bank.

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