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Home News Comfort and Joy for everyone

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Comfort and Joy for everyone

by Michael Ford last modified 13 Nov, 2020 10:08 PM

With lockdown stretching out before us, preparing for Advent and Christmas during a pandemic will be very different for our churches this year.

And while the latest research from the Church of England shows that online worship is engaging a whole new audience as well as reaching out to many of those in our existing congregations, our churches are only too aware of those who are missing out.

For those with poor internet connections, or those who have yet to become familiar with social media, the lack of services within our buildings has, in some cases, left them disconnected.

For those who are vulnerable and fearful, even where services have taken place inside our buildings, they have felt unable to attend and for others, browsing the internet has allowed them to worship online in a variety of otherwise inaccessible locations.

But this Advent, church communities across our Diocese are being encouraged to re-connect with those who may have found worship during this pandemic difficult.

Using the national message of 'Comfort and Joy', we are being asked to use this Advent season to get back in touch with those who have had difficulty engaging since March and offer them some good cheer.

Whether it is sending out special seasonal messages to those on our electoral rolls, offering support and tutoring on how to use social media, or simply picking up the phone to chat, we hope to bring the message of Comfort and Joy to all.

Tell us how you are reaching out this season at .

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