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Comfort and Joy and Rhyme

by Michael Ford last modified 11 Dec, 2020 09:43 PM

Our Salisbury Diocesan Advent Calendar 2020 has been getting plenty of feedback, with all story slots filled and inquiries from those interested in finding out more from the parishes and schools themselves. And some well-wishers are feeling extra inspired, as they share their memories and creative gifts.

Comfort and Joy and Rhyme

Photo courtesy the Children's Society

Our contact Christine Buffrey, for instance, has sent in this seasonal poem.

Christingle – my thoughts always flash back to 1981
Sunday 13th December – brought a lot of fun!
A blizzard was in full force after lunch – phone rings:
“Is the Christingle still on?” “Oh yes, we’ll see about things”

(So at 3pm we gathered in St John’s, our Broadstone Church)

Sodden coats discarded in untidy piles at the back
But – no electricity! I thought of the chaos later “Where is my mac?”
The Service began as though nothing were amiss
With candles around us, showing much Christmas bliss.

The Vicar, my dear husband John, was not one for a fuss
He took things gently, as usual, with a Church full of us.
Explaining the Christingle from the pulpit was special this year
The love of Jesus wraps us in red tape – keeping us near

The fruits and the sweets from north, south, east and west
The orange is the world; and then comes the best –
The candle is Jesus “The Light of the World” what more could we ask?
At that moment the church lights came on – a huge congregational gasp!

Where you there nearly 40 years ago and experienced this miracle?
If so, please get in touch at and we can wax lyrical!

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