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Colour and bustle

by Michael Ford last modified 24 Jul, 2021 02:08 AM

Our parishes are determined to make a difference in their local communities, and what better way to reach out than with a Church Fête or Street Fair?

Or even both at the same time?

Wiltshire Rector Joanna Abecassis says:

"Holy Trinity, Bradford on Avon’s Street Market - a Church Fête with added pitch-paying ‘Community Stalls’ - has traditionally taken place on the first Saturday of July. So when the government ‘Roadmap’ was announced with its cut-off day of 21st June when ‘all would be well’, and some local charities were asking, we decided to go for it. How great for the Parish Church to be kicking off the community’s summer activities!

"But as that date looked less and less certain, and a few people pulled out, we decided to make it principally an outdoor event and just do what we could. In 2019 we had had stalls all over the church, which created a fantastic atmosphere, but that was clearly not going to work this time, so we just had refreshments and books indoors.

Colour and bustle- stalls and one way sign

"After our first wedding in nearly two years - postponed from early June - on the Friday lunchtime in the sunshine, it was all hands on deck. The rain heavily forecast for the Saturday very kindly came down before and after the event, and a really great time was had by all.

"It was such a happy, community event, full of colour and bustle, and so many people thanked us most profusely for putting it on and giving them a chance to come out and have a bit of fun and normality, in a safe way.

"Mission accomplished!"

Below: Sarah method ringing, and the Holy Trinity Team

Colour and bustle- Sarah method ringing

Colour and bustle- the Holy Trinity team

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