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Home News Collaborative Leadership can THRIVE

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Collaborative Leadership can THRIVE

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Oct, 2019 12:02 PM

There was a strong list of popular new initiatives and Mission Action Plans on the table when our first Dorset THRIVE group met up again.

It was a real reunion when the groups from churches in the Dorset Archdeaconry met up for their second 2-day session, this time looking at developing new collaborative leaders.

The THRIVE course is designed to promote growth and real and practical collaboration between laity and clergy in rural parishes, and sessions are already underway with a number of benefices in our Diocese.

Canon Richard Hancock who is our Rural Field Officer for the Dorset Archdeaconry was there.

"We began by having a review of the projects and work that had been carried out over the past 6 months, looking at what had worked and what had proved challenging.

"Amongst the many positive stories was the development of a benefice prayer initiative and team, working to develop better communications across a new benefice, developing a mission questionnaire to help asses the needs of the benefice.

"Also people talked about the development of a new 5-year finance plan, a 10-year Mission Action Plan, and the launch of a new community café in a church, called Magnify-Café.

"Clearly a lot of work had been done over the past 6 months, which had involved a few challenges including financial issues and one benefice going into interregnum. This however had not deterred the THRIVE teams from carrying on and inspiring good work, mission and outreach in their benefices.

"Over the 2 days we explored the importance of developing leadership, particularly collaborative ministry between the clergy and laity. Learning that you can't be good at everything but you're probably good at something and how to utilise those gifts in the best way. Along with the hard work, a lot of fellowship, fun and laughter were had as well as a great lunch on both days."

THRIVE is happening across the Diocese in each Archdeaconry if you're interested in setting up a THRIVE team and joining the learning community, speak with your RFO or email .

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