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Home News Climate Targets are "very welcome"

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Climate Targets are "very welcome"

by Michael Ford last modified 04 Dec, 2020 11:14 PM

Our Bishop Nicholas, as the C of E’s lead bishop on the environment, has addressed the Prime Minister's statement pledging 68% cuts in emissions by 2030.

The Bishop said:

“The PM’s ambitious statement on Climate Targets is very welcome. It will be an encouragement in preparation for the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference of the Parties, COP26, in Glasgow next year. The real test will be how and by when these targets will be met.

“In many ways the UK is a leader in the global response to climate change. We are making rapid progress, for example, with renewable electricity. But we are also failing to meet important targets, as with the ambitious tree planting programme which is a vital part of our strategy for carbon capture.

“I hope the pandemic is teaching us the importance of global collaboration in response to a shared crisis in our common home. The UN’s COP26 needs leadership of a high order from the UK’s Presidency to bring the nations of the world to make commitments that will limit global warming to 2 degrees C above pre-industrial levels let alone the more ambitious 1.5 degrees aimed for in 2015 at Paris.

“I pray the UK will do all it can to prepare for this Conference, setting ambitious targets and determined action to achieve them. The Presidency of COP26 is a huge responsibility. It is a challenge requiring political determination, competence and a high level of trust between all the parties.

“We should pray for our politicians and everyone preparing for COP26, that their words and actions are well connected.”

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