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Claire's new vocation

by Michael Ford last modified 06 Mar, 2021 02:02 AM

Claire Horton has been a member of our Rural Hope team from early on, and is now stepping into an additional role, supporting Vocations in this Diocese.

Diocesan Director of Ordinands Nigel Done says:

"We have been restructuring the way the Diocese offers support and leadership in encouraging all vocations. Amongst the many things we are learning from the impact of the pandemic, is the wellbeing that comes with making a positive contribution to our communities. Helping individuals find the best place to offer themselves in the life and mission of the Church is the work of the Vocations Team."

The Ministry, Mission and Communications Team has reorganised the work of the Diocesan Director of Ordinands, the Initial Ministerial Formation of ministers, and the exploring of vocations. The Vocation Co-ordinators raise awareness, supporting vocational conversations and early stages of discernment.

Vicar of Lilliput Louise Ellis and LLM Claire Horton are the part time Vocations Co-ordinators, each working 10 hours a week. Louise started a year or so ago.

Claire says:

"I am excited to be joining the Vocations team at a time when the Diocese is re-imagining vocation and encouraging lay ministries in all its variety. I am passionate about people recognising their gifting, both lay and ordained.

"I believe this new post will dovetail well with my existing role as Rural Field Officer for Sarum Archdeaconry, supporting parishes with mission in their communities. I look forward to having vocational conversations across the Diocese!’

Look out for further news about the vocation team and events in the Spring. In the meantime please continue to pray, expect and encourage people to find what God longs for them to be and do for growing God’s Kingdom. And please pray for Louise and Claire leading this work.

Our main vocations page is here.

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