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Church's Pop-up Restaurant

by Michael Ford last modified 16 Apr, 2019 02:24 PM

A Wiltshire church was transformed into a stylish pop-up restaurant when they held a 'Spring Lunch With Friends.'

A light lunch of sandwiches and savouries followed by a delicious array of cakes, all washed down with tea and coffee, was served at the Grade II listed St Margaret’s Corsley, part of the Churches in the Cley Hill Villages.

Phil Jefferson, from the Cley Hill Villages said:

"This was our Lent Initiative and it was a great success.

"While the guests enjoyed their meal, they were entertained by a selection of light music on the piano.

"The highlight of the lunch was a visit by the children from Little Cuckoos, who beautifully sang some of the songs they have learned. They then mingled with the guests, to the delight of everyone."

And before they left, each of the children was presented with an Easter egg.

The Revd Pauline Reid commented later how thrilled she was at how well the lunch went:

"It was so lovely to see people there who ordinarily would not be able to come."

Thanking the volunteers for their contribution to the proceedings, she added:

"I had the idea but you all made it happen as I knew you would and with such enthusiasm and love. I feel very grateful that I have you all as partners in this endeavour to serve the community and in doing so to share something of God’s love and care for all."

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