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Church role "vital" to prevent species extinction

by Michael Ford last modified 14 Nov, 2018 09:23 AM

The role of the church is vital in finding solutions through encouraging people to do more to combat the causes of climate change was the message from the Eco Church Day, held at one of our own Eco award-winning churches.

Church role "vital" to prevent species extinction

Sir Ghillean Prance - photo courtesy A Rocha

Sir Ghillean Prance, advisor to the Eden Project and former Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, guest speaker at the event, explained to those who had attended from a range of local churches and community environmental groups, the potentially disastrous ecological effects of further rises in average world temperatures.

He considered, as the problems are as much “moral and ethical as scientific ones”, the role of the church was vital in terms of immediate action “if we are not to lose growing numbers of plant and animal species to extinction.”

Sir Ghillean was speaking at Mary’s, Beaminster, who recently gained an Eco Church Silver Award helping the Diocese to gain Bronze Eco Diocese status. The Church was hosting the day which was themed: ‘Caring for God’s Creation’.

Bishop Nicholas, also a speaker at the event, told those gathered that “the environmental problems facing this beautiful earth of which God has made us stewards are many and the need for action is urgent”.

He said that we needed to make the Church a “thought leader” in caring for God’s creation at both local and global level”.

And he reminded everyone that “by each doing our bit we can make a difference and fulfil the fifth mark of mission”.

David Morgan, Chairman of the Diocesan Environmental Group, stressed that it is not just about making church buildings greener but also about weaving environmental themes into church worship, linking the church into local environmental initiatives and working with others to encourage all to live more environmentally friendly lifestyles.

He urged everyone who was not already involved, to follow the Eco Church link and join up.

Bishop Nicholas said afterwards, “It was so impressive to be part of the Lyme Bay Deanery Day on Caring for God’s Creation. About 80 people gathered in St Mary’s Beaminster (Eco Church Silver Award) on a Monday in November. There was such knowledge, competence and commitment of the people who gathered there.

“It was a great follow-on to announcing that we have become an Eco Diocese with our Bronze Award. West Dorset leads the way for Salisbury Diocese to go for Silver.”

The full day event was open to all those living within the Lyme Bay Deanery area.

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