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Church, hope, and the Future

by Michael Ford last modified 05 Sep, 2020 11:38 AM

How can the Church continue to bring the hope of Jesus to a world changed by the pandemic?

That's the question being asked at an online event organised by Salisbury Diocesan Evangelical Fellowship.

The Revd Sarah Pix who is hosting the event explains:

"There is no doubting that we have been living through extraordinary times, and yet through it all God is working out His purposes.

Offering input into the event will be Bob Jackson, who before ordination, was a Government Economic Adviser.

After 20 years in parish ministry he joined Springboard - the Archbishop of Canterbury's initiative to encourage, renew and mobilise the Church for evangelism. He then spent 5 years as Archdeacon of Walsall with responsibility for the Diocesan Growth Strategy in the Diocese of Lichfield.

Since 2009, Bob has divided his time between teaching mission and church growth at theological colleges and church growth consultancy. He has published several books including ‘Hope for the Church’, ‘Going for Growth’, ‘The Road to Growth’ and ‘What makes Churches Grow?’ His ‘Everybody Welcome’ course is helping many churches better welcome and integrate their newcomers.

Sarah said: "We are delighted to have Bob Jackson offering some input!"

The event is about allowing time for conversation and prayer and the sorts of questions that they hope to address include:

  • How can we, as the church, be ready to collaborate with God in this season, keeping in step with His Spirit?
  • What unique missional opportunities are we being presented with, and how can we take a hold of them in order to see the Kingdom of God advance in our Diocese?
  • How can we discern what God has been doing in these days, not only in our churches, but also in our communities?
  • What does it look like to be those that bring the hope of Jesus to a broken and chaotic world?

Sarah invites you to join them on Monday 7th September 2020, 10.00am:

"If you are grappling with these sorts of questions, we would love you to join us for a facilitated conversation to help us discern together what post-Covid mission may look like."

Contact Jono Tregale () to join.

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