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Home News Church Commissioners on coronavirus and reopening of churches

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Church Commissioners on coronavirus and reopening of churches

by Michael Ford last modified 22 May, 2020 10:17 PM

On 18th May 2020 the Second Church Estates Commissioner, Andrew Selous MP, answered 2 written questions on the reopening of churches from Dr Luke Evans MP and Andrew Rosindell MP.

Dr Luke Evans (Bosworth) asked Mr Selous, representing the Church Commissioners, what steps the Government is taking to work with churches and dioceses to ensure the safe opening of churches for religious worship.

Andrew Rosindell (Romford) asked what steps the Church of England is planning to take to allow it to reopen churches as soon as possible while limiting the risk of spreading covid-19.

Andrew Selous responded:

"The Church of England is committed to the reopening of buildings in a phased way, in accordance with the rules, restrictions and timetable established by Government. On 5th May the House of Bishops issued guidance, which can be seen here.

"We are working with Government and with representatives of the heritage planning sector to assess the need for building adaptations related to public safety in our cathedral and church buildings, and in particular temporary additions or changes that might need to be made to enable social distancing and proper hygiene. We are committed to enabling our churches and cathedrals to make such changes as might be needed to allow them to reopen safely."

Read the original piece, and more, from Church in Parliament here.

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