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Chuppa launched

by Michael Ford last modified 23 Jul, 2019 04:52 PM

A rural church hasn't let a lack of toilets and water prevent the offer of a cuppa and a catch up.

'Chuppa' is a new initiative that uses St Mary’s Wingfield.

An informal drop in for a cuppa and catch up in church, 'Chuppa' is timed to attract parents dropping off children at the local primary school. In the morning it is open to the whole community.

Wingfield, like many rural communities finds itself with their church as their only natural community space and St Mary's sees 'Chuppa' as a first step in exploring how the church can be used as place for the community to meet in a village with no hall.

Organiser Carrie Furnell said:

“The first ever 'Chuppa' went really well. About 30 people came which is wonderful. There was a mix of villagers and school Mums and everyone was very kind and said they enjoyed it!”

Following this success an afternoon 'Chuppa' will take place in the last week of term.

Future dates are being planned for the summer and autumn, with the encouragement of the Rector, Revd Canon Joanna Abecassis.

Carrie commented:

“Now I’ve got a plan it wasn’t too much work - especially with all the helpers I had!”

The idea took shape over coffee and cake in church after a Sunday morning service.

Rhona Floate, Rural Field Officer for Wilts encouraged members of the congregation to have a go despite the fact that St Mary’s has no toilet or piped water supply.

While improving church facilities can be addressed as the church’s initiative to serve their community develops.

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