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Home News Christians called to action on Climate Change

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Christians called to action on Climate Change

by Michael Ford last modified 18 Jun, 2019 01:41 PM

Christians are being called to join a mass lobby in Westminster to tell MPs that it is time to act on climate change.

Christians called to action on Climate Change

Image courtesy Christian Aid

The 'Time is Now' event on June 26th is being organised by Christian Aid and CAFOD* and over 100 like-minded organisations who are members of the Climate Coalition.

The idea is to speak to our politicians and make our voices heard.

Christian Aid said:

"As Christians, we seek to put our faith into action by loving and caring for our neighbours and the Earth, our common home. And right now, both are threatened from the impact of climate change. Urgent action is needed to save God’s creation as we know it."

Both Christian Aid and CAFOD say that climate change is devastating the world’s poorest communities right now, as more extreme weather events, from flooding to droughts, drive families from their homes and create food crises.

CAFOD added:

"We’ll be gathering at Westminster to connect the poor to the powerful by sharing our concerns on climate change and the environment with leaders who can make a difference. Politicians will only increase their ambition if they see that we care. They will act if their constituents tell them that they want change."

Christin Aid's publicity for the event uses real people to show how climate change is affecting many different parts of the world:

"Whether it’s women like Aster in Ethiopia who struggle to feed their children when the rains don’t come and crops burn on the stalk, or fisherfolk like Lope in the Philippines battling to make a living as climate change brings super typhoons and extreme heat, or pastoralists like Boru whose camels are weak from drought, climate change is hitting the poorest hardest, right now!

"We know what we need to do to reverse the trend of climate change and protect people like Aster, Lope and Boru: we need to cut global greenhouse emissions to net zero. The existing UK Government targets don’t go far enough – we need to get to net zero by 2045 to make a difference."

Christians from all over the country are being invited to come together in London to celebrate faith in action, lobby political representatives, pray together and energise one another for the challenges to come.

For more info please email or go to

*Catholic Agency For Overseas Development

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