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Home News Christian Aid CEO to be Sarum Canon

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Christian Aid CEO to be Sarum Canon

by glynch last modified 19 Sep, 2016 11:14 AM

Loretta Minghella to speak at St Thomas', Salisbury, before joining College of Canons at Cathedral Evensong

As part of a series of events across the country, Loretta Minghella OBE, CEO of Christian Aid will address a ‘Stand-Up, Speak Up’ lunch at St Thomas’s Church in Salisbury on Thursday 13 October at noon, before joining a procession to the Guildhall.

The event is part of the Speak Up week of action, which will see thousands of people meeting their local MPs across the country from 8-16 October. Events will be held in other parts of the Diocese, including in Dorchester where the local churches’ Ecology Group will be meeting with West Dorset MP Sir Oliver Letwin.

People from all walks of life will make sure their politicians see how much their constituents care about what could be lost if climate change is not mitigated.

The Speak Up week of action is organised by The Climate Coalition – a group of over 100 organisations including Christian Aid, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, World Wildlife Fund, Islamic Relief, CAFOD, the Women’s Institute as well as local groups. It is part of an ongoing effort to encourage the government to shift to 100% clean energy within a generation to protect the people, places and life we love from climate change.

Stephen Dominy, Christian Aid’s co-ordinator for Dorset and Wiltshire, said, “We encourage groups of churches to get together locally to remind their local MP that climate change matters to millions of voters across the UK. If anyone needs advice in how to organise a meeting like this, they can contact me on

“The two main things we are asking the government to do are, firstly, to ratify the Paris Climate Agreement, already done by 27 countries including the United States and China

“Secondly, to publish an ambitious low carbon investment plan to transform the economy in line with the Climate Change Act.

“We want to see 100% Clean Energy – it’s desirable, it’s possible, but it can only come in reach in the UK if the government sets the right policies.”

Morris Munns, a worshipper at St Mark’s in Salisbury, who is helping organise the event, said, “We hope every church in the city and nearby villages will be represented. It helps us if people planning to attend could let us know. Our e-mail address is

“We are also inviting all Christian Aid supporters and friends to attend Choral Evensong at Salisbury Cathedral on the same day, Thursday 13 October, at 5.30 p.m.. This is where Loretta will be inducted as a Sarum Canon, recognising the contribution she has made to the national and worldwide Church. As well as being admitted to the College of Canons, she will preach at the service.” 

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